Cake Php Install Windows

Cake Php Install Windows 5,6/10 3085 reviews

CakePHP is open source for a PHP framework built around Model-View-Controller (MVC). We started to create a small application that would perform some basic Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations on our database. Model: It manages the data. It stores into and retrieves from the. Let's get cracking then! Step 1: Download XAMPP and CakePHP. Step 2: Install Xampp. Step 3: Mod Rewrite Module. Step 4: Place CakePHP Files in a New Folder. Step 5: Set Up Virtual Host. Step 6: Setting Up Database Connection. Step 7: Run CakePHP.


Install CakePhp in xampp server on windows 7 or 8: CakePHP is a free, open-source and PHP web development framework which employs the Model-View-Controller design pattern How to configure CakePhp in xampp server on windows: For installation of CakePHP with XAMPP, there are simple steps you need to follow which We have mentioned below. Steps to install and configure Cakephp in xampp on windows: Step 1:- Required to Download the Necessary Files such as and.

Step 2:-.And after installing the Xampp with default options, Xampp files directory will be appear like this:- c: xampp(Its in C drive becuse we have installed xampp in C drive).Xampp folder structure will be look like as below image: Step 3:- ( Organize CakePHP files):After configuration of Xampp, first unzip cakePHP file and rename the cakePHP file such as we did “cake”(renamed cakePHP file) in below image.And files are located to the c: xampp htdocs cake folder: Step 4:- ( Mod Rewrite Module enable):After installation Xampp in local server then enable modrewrite. For that, just open the “httpd.conf” file located at “C: xampp apache conf” and remove comment from following line by removing the ‘#’ symbol. #LoadModule rewritemodule modules/ Step 5:- ( cakePHP database configuration ): Now we have to create database in your Xampp phpmyadmin by any name as we did “cake”(database name).After creating database you need to configure “database configuration file” named as “database.php.default” is located in C: xampp htdocs app config folder. Now Rename the ‘database.php.default’ file to ‘database.php’.And Finally Enter database username, password and database name into the “$default” connection variable which describe below. Database connection string.

Cd C: xampp htdocs Now run the following command using your terminal window. Composer create-project -prefer-dist cakephp/app cquiz It will takes sometime if you installing CakePHP first time using Composer. Second time onwards it takes from cache. Final Success image. Finally it will ask you to set permission for temp directory and to generate security salt. So please give Y to set the permission and generate security salt. Now you successfully installed CakePHP 3 on your machine.

Install Windows 10

So go the following URL on your browser to see CakePHP default home page like this. Finally to add database credentials edit app.php file in the config directory(line no. 200 ) 'Datasources' = 'default' = 'className' = 'Cake Database Connection', 'driver' = 'Cake Database Driver Mysql', 'persistent' = false, 'host' = 'localhost', 'username' = 'root', 'password' = ', 'database' = 'smartquiz', 'encoding' = 'utf8', 'timezone' = 'UTC', 'cacheMetadata' = true, 'quoteIdentifiers' = false.

This entry was posted on 05.10.2019.