Ra 10591 Free Download

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A Gun Ban Checkpoint Source: Airsoft Guns In the Philippines, there are a few laws I read about. One of them is relatively new, and is pretty good news for us airsofters. The other is something that has been up for a while, but no one really follows it or knows about it.

So listen up, because these are things you need to know for our favorite sport to be safe. The first one I want to talk about is Republic Act 10591. Some of you may have already heard of it and are very happy for it to have been passed. So what does this new law do? I’ll tell you:. It excludes airsoft and airguns from the definition of “firearm”, which means that they can no longer take our guns away from us during ComElec Gun Bans. (Yay!).

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The PNP (Philippine National Police for those people who don’t know) can no longer have the power to make airsoft/airgun owners register their rifles and handguns. This is a big change from PNP Circular No.

Here in the Philippines, both tools types are linked with the recent RA 10591 as well as the Philippine Constitution. These are the defining factors that determine the tools of modern day self-defense enthusiast. In the case of the Philippines, thanks to the new firearm law and the constitutional law on knives, the treatment is that people. RA 10591 Firearms Law. October 9, 2017 Author: jbguidote Category: Projectiles, Artillery, Military, Gunpowder, Safety. Could not initialize the reCAPTCHA service. Please check your internet connection and reload. DOWNLOAD PDF. Report this link. Short Description. Description: law. REPUBLIC ACT No. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A COMPREHENSIVE LAW ON FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: ARTICLE I TITLE, DECLARATION OF POLICY AND DEFINITION OF TERMS.

11, which required airsoft guns to be registered. (Which not everyone does) So knowing these pieces of news, everyone was happy that we could finally play with our guns even during gun bans, which was a terribly long time to be away from airsoft guns. But of course, these laws don’t mean we can just bring our guns out in public and walk around with them. We just need to remember that yes, these are replicas, but they can be mistaken for the real thing and can also harm others if used carelessly. And as written in the official document I found on the fed.org.ph page, using an imitation firearm for a crime will be considered as using the real thing, and the violators will be punished accordingly. However, if you are in a game, you can’t be held liable for injuries dealt by replica firearms. That’s why sometimes you have to sign a waiver or have your parent/guardian sign it for you.


When you play airsoft, you should know what you signed up for. What these laws don’t cover is when you are clowning around in a game or game site. So for example, you are screwing around in the safe zone with an airsoft gun and all of a sudden it fires and blinds someone, the law won’t protect you from that incident. Or you aren’t following the rules, so in game you decide to take off your mask during a firefight and get hit in the eye, you can’t sue the person who shot you either, because it is happening in game. Just remember to be safe at all times and think of others’ safety. Republic Act 10591, SEC 35 Source: As airsofters, we should know what is right and what is wrong, especially when you own a gun. Having guns should be teaching us safety and trigger discipline so we can be safe whenever we use them.

When you have your gun out, your first thought should be for the safety of others and yourself Never ever bring out an airsoft gun in public, and as much as possible, especially on Halloween, don’t use your airsoft guns for your costume. Keep it for the game site on game days. Battle Dress Uniforms. Different Kinds of BDUs Source: Now this law is important, it is about wearing BDU’s or battle dress uniforms in PUBLIC. 493 indicates that it “regulates the wearing, using, manufacturing and selling of insignias, decorations and medals, badges, patches and identification cards prescribed for the military and police authorities by persons not in the service, Del Mar said the wearing of police and military uniforms should not be considered fashionable.” So with that being said, please do not wear your battle dress uniforms in public! It gives our law enforcement and armed forces a bad reputation, and I’m sure most airsofters have no intentions of causing trouble with them, but I assure you, some people do. There was a time where the shops that made the uniforms for the forces would sell uniforms to you straight up, but I tried to buy one recently and they told me it is not allowed anymore.

When I asked why, they gave me an answer. It was because people would buy them and cause trouble with them. They were bad guys posing as the good guys. So they would approach people and rob them of their belongings. So as you can see, it is illegal to be displaying military uniforms and ranks/insignia in public.

You can get up to 10 years jail and a P20,000 fine if you are caught. So is it really worth it? You can always change in the game sites anyways, so just wear casual wear before you arrive on site. So it doesn’t really ban us from wearing our uniforms and enjoying the sport, it just restricts us from wearing them in public. Game sites are mostly private anyways, so just bring extra clothes, for before and after.

But here’s the part about buying combat suits. The law only states that using the uniform in public places AND illegally producing them and selling them without a license is illegal and can be punishable by law. It does not state that it is illegal for sporting use and importing it from airsoft brands abroad.

As long as the products are meant for airsoft and you are licensed to sell, then it should be fine to sell them. Though it is for airsoft, it doesn’t mean we can wear it in public. They still look like the camouflages the military use and you can still be mistaken for military personnel. So when going to game sites, keep your battle dress uniforms and airsoft rifles stored and hidden from public eyes.

It’s safer that way and it will help make our sport and hobby stay legal, which means we can enjoy it more with less hassle. Let’s make airsoft a safe hobby and keep its reputation that way. I hope you learned some things about the laws of airsoft from this, and if you already knew about this, please help spread the word so that our sport is recognized as safe. That way, we can enjoy airsoft a lot better without it being challenged by laws and acts. Thanks for reading, Sandman, out! Image from: scoutthedoggie Sources: EDIT: To clarify the portion written above about SEC.

35 of RA 1059. What it means is that for example, you were playing around the safe zone with your airsoft gun and it fires and hits a person and injures him/her, the injured party can press charges because the law only covers injuries dealt in game and if you are following the rules. Also, if you are hit in the eye in game because you took off your mask, you can’t sue the person who shot you because you were not following standard safety rules. The law cannot protect you from injuries like this, which is why you always have to be mindful of the rules.

So if you are not following the rules and being irresponsible, like not applying the rules of gun safety, site rules, etc., the injured person may sue you.

This entry was posted on 12.10.2019.