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  1. Lee Presses Reloading

CHAPTER 9: Graduate Database System (GDS) Last Revision: 02/23/06 Chapter Summary In this chapter you will be introduced to the GDS system interface. The GDS acronym stands for 'Graduate Database System'. The GDS system is used to add information to the ARTS forms that does not exist in the Student Records system, such as Master's Degree and Doctorate information. Overview The GDS system consists of four tables that are used to varying degrees in ARTS form processing. These tables are classified according to their function:. The Admit table is used for students applying to Graduate School. This is the first stop for student data entered into GDS.

Once a student's data is entered here, they can be made active and the data is pulled into the 'Active' table. NOTE: None of the ADMIT table is imported into ARTS. The Active table is used for students who are accepted into the Graduate School, and working their way towards a graduate degree. Many fields from this table are merged into ARTS.

The Master table is used for students who are working on Master's degrees. It contains Thesis titles and other data that are merged into graduate ARTS forms. The Doctor table is used for students who are working on PhD degrees. It contains Dissertation titles and other data that are merged into graduate ARTS forms. The remainder of this chapter discusses screens for these tables, as well as the reporting tools.

Logging into GDS To access GDS, do the following:. Click on the 'Auxiliary Systems' menu item of the main ARTS screen (see Fig. Select 'Graduate Database System', and it will pull up a login to the system (see Fig. Type your initials and password given by the administrator and press 'Enter'. 9-1a-GDS Login Navigation.

9-1b-GDS Login Screen. This will bring up the GDS main (admit) screen. From that screen, enter a student's emplid or name you wish to locate or add and press 'Enter' (or click on the spyglass button). If an Admit record exists for that student, GDS will automatically display that record.

If an Admit record exists for that student, GDS will automatically display that record as well. If no record exists, you will be prompted to add the student. If you say 'Yes', a new Admit record will be created and you may begin adding data for that student's new record. The following ADMIT fields are numbered and displayed in Fig. 9.2:.

Reload/Add/Edit/Delete. Use the 'Reload' button to reload the current record. Use the 'Add' button to add a new Admit record. Use the 'Edit' button to modify the current record. Use the 'Delete' button to delete the current record. Admit/Active. These buttons allow you to switch between ADMIT and ACTIVE records.

These fields contain the student's 11-digit ID and name. They are automatically updated when an ARTS form is processed. Admit Status/Initial Term/Admit Date. This is information that is entered regarding the admit status of the student. Common values in the admit status are 'REG' (regular), 'PRV' (provisional), and 'PRB' (probation). Plans/Subplans.

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These fields are automatically updated when an ARTS form is processed. 9.2-Admit Screen. Coenrolled/TOEFL/TSE. The COENROLLED field indicates whether the student is coenrolled in another school. The TOEFL/TSE test scores are entered in the other fields, respectively. Accept/Declined/Left/Admit/Enrolled. These are flags that indicate whether the student has been accepted, the student has declined an offer to attend graduate school, the student has left graduate school, the student has been admitted into graduate school, and whether the student is enrolled in graduate school.

KUID/Last Name/Find Button. If you wish to create a new Admit record, simply enter the 7-digit ID in the blank next to the button with the magnifying glass on it. You can then hit 'Enter' after this ID is entered, or you can click on the magnifying glass button with your mouse. GDS will then attempt to search for your record. If the ID is not found, a message asking you if you wish to add a record will appear to the right of the GDS screen.

If you click on 'Yes', GDS will add a new record and you can edit this new record. If you click on 'No', GDS will go back to the record it was on previously. If the KUID is found in GDS, GDS will locate the record. You can also enter a last name and GDS will search for that string in all last names. Citizen?/Gender/Ethcode/Birthdate. This information is updated when an ARTS form is processed. The Birth year is obscured by X's.

This field contains a text memo about the student's admit record. Who Mod/Moddate/Add Date/Access/Dept. These fields contain audit information regarding who has added or changed the record, when the record was last changed, if the record is (D)epartmental or (W)orld access, and which department 'owns' the record for editing and/or deleting. This button is used to create an 'Active' record, and also deletes the Admit record if you answer 'Yes' when it is clicked (See Fig. All data that was entered in the Admit record that is applicable to the Active record will be copied over to the new Active record. 9.3-Activation Prompt.

After activating a student's Admit record, GDS automatically displays the new Active record. The following ACTIVE fields are numbered and displayed in Fig. 9.4-Active Screen. Reload/Add/Edit/Delete.

Use the 'Reload' button to reload the current record. Use the 'Add' button to add a new Active record. Use the 'Edit' button to modify the current record. Use the 'Delete' button to delete the current record. Admit/Active.

These buttons allow you to switch between ADMIT and ACTIVE records. These fields contain the student's 11-digit ID and name. They are automatically updated when an ARTS form is processed.

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Admit Status/Initial Term. This is information that is entered regarding the admit status of the student. Common values in the admit status are 'REG' (regular), 'PRV' (provisional), and 'PRB' (probation). Degree Conferred/Prev Degree/Prev School. This is information that is entered regarding status of a previous undergraduate degree and whether it has been verified. Plans/Subplans. These fields are automatically updated when an ARTS form is processed.

Coenrolled/TOEFL/TSE. The COENROLLED field indicates whether the student is coenrolled in another school. The TOEFL/TSE test scores are entered in the other fields, respectively.

Archive/Graduated/Left. These are flags that indicate whether the student has been archived, the student has graduated, or the student has left graduate school. KUID/Last Name/Find Button. If you wish to create a new Admit record, simply enter the 7-digit ID in the blank next to the button with the magnifying glass on it. You can then hit 'Enter' after this ID is entered, or you can click on the magnifying glass button with your mouse. GDS will then attempt to search for your record. If the ID is not found, a message asking you if you wish to add a record will appear to the right of the GDS screen.

If you click on 'Yes', GDS will add a new record and you can edit this new record. If you click on 'No', GDS will go back to the record it was on previously. If the KUID is found in GDS, GDS will locate the record. You can also enter a last name and GDS will search for that string in all last names.

Citizen?/Gender/Ethcode/Birthdate. This information is updated when an ARTS form is processed. The Birth year is obscured by X's. Work Started/Masters Out of Time/PhD Out of Time. These fields indicate when work was started on the Master's Thesis and/or PhD, and the Out of Time fields indicate the term that the student is out of time to complete their Thesis/PhD. This field contains a text memo about the student's admit record.

Who Mod/Moddate/Add Date/Access/Dept. These fields contain audit information regarding who has added or changed the record, when the record was last changed, if the record is (D)epartmental or (W)orld access, and which department 'owns' the record for editing and/or deleting. Leave Type/From/To. These fields detail the different leaves the student has taken over their graduate career at KU. The two types of leave are Leave of Absence ('LOA') or Extension ('EXT'). These fields are merged into ARTS forms.

Master/Doctor. These buttons give you access to the student's Master and Doctor (PhD) record(s). If the little square in the upper right-hand corner of the button is blue, that means there is at least one Master/Doctor record for this student. Click on either of these buttons to access the student's Master and Doctor record(s). The following ACTIVE fields are merged into ARTS, along with their corresponding FIB tokens: Field Name FIB Token Name coenrolled COENROLL Masters Out of Time MASTIME Doctor/PhD Out of Time DOCTIME Admit Date ADMDATE Work Started STARDATE Graduated GRAD The Master Screen consists of the following fields as outlined in Fig.

9.5:. Reload/Add/Edit/Delete. Use the 'Reload' button to reload the current record. Use the 'Add' button to add a new Active record.

Use the 'Edit' button to modify the current record. Use the 'Delete' button to delete the current record. Master/Doctor.

Use these buttons to switch back and forth between the student's Master and Doctor(PhD) records. These fields (from the Active table) contain the student's 11-digit ID and name. They are automatically updated when an ARTS form is processed. Exam Date/Exam Passed. These fields indicate the date of the Master's exam and whether the exam was passed and how.

The letters stand for (H)onors, (S)atisfactory, (N)ot Taken, and (U)nsatisfactory. Most of these fields are merged into ARTS. Thesis/Non-Thesis/'P' Changed/Abstract/Title Page/Library Frm/Binding Fee. These flags are used to indicate whether the student's 'P' changed' flag, whether the student has finished their Abstract, Title page, their Library Form, and paid their Binding Fee for their Master's Thesis. Thesis/Non-Thesis is merged into ARTS forms. This is the list of Master's Degree records for the student on display.

Click on a particular row if you wish to see that record. Thesis Title/Degree Title. These fields contain thesis and degree titles. Thesis titles are merged into graduate ARTS forms. Who Mod/Moddate/Add Date/Access/Dept. These fields contain audit information regarding who has added or changed the record, when the record was last changed, if the record is (D)epartmental or (W)orld access, and which department 'owns' the record for editing and/or deleting. Incompletes.

These fields contain incomplete courses for the student. They are not merged with or retrieved from ARTS. AFD Filed For Term/Exp. Graduation Date/Graduation Date. These fields contain information about whether the student has filed an Application For Degree (AFD), and which term they have filed it for. An expected graduation date and (actual) graduation date field reside here as well. These fields are not updated by ARTS; the MA Graduation date is merged into ARTS forms.

Submit Date/Xfr Hours/Total Hrs Req. Submit Date is the date the thesis paper was submitted.

Xfr Hours is the nunber of transfer hours the student has, and Total Hrs Req. Is the total number of hours required to finish the degree. None of these fields are updated by ARTS; Submit Date is merged into ARTS forms. 9.5-Master Screen. The following MASTER fields are merged into ARTS: Field Name FIB Token Name Exam Date MEXMDATE Exam Passed MEXMPASS AFD Filed MAFD Thesis/Non Thesis THESIS Submit Date MSUBDATE Thesis Title THESISTIT1, THESISTIT2, THESISTIT3, THESISTIT4 The first page of the Doctor (PhD) Screen consists of the following fields as outlined in Fig. 9.6-Page 1 of the Doctor (PhD) Screen. Reload/Add/Edit/Delete.

Use the 'Reload' button to reload the current record. Use the 'Add' button to add a new Active record. Use the 'Edit' button to modify the current record.

Use the 'Delete' button to delete the current record. Master/Doctor. Use these buttons to switch back and forth between the student's Master and Doctor(PhD) records. These fields (from the Active table) contain the student's 11-digit ID and name. They are automatically updated when an ARTS form is processed. Micro Filed/Survey Form/Copyright Fee/'P' Changed/Abstract/Title Page/Micro Fee/Binding Fee.

These are flags that are set to indicate whether the student has fulfilled these requirements. This is the list of Doctor (PhD) records for the student on display. Click on a particular row if you wish to see that record. AFD Filed For Term/Exp.

Graduation Date/Graduation Date. These fields contain information about whether the student has filed an Application For Degree (AFD), and which term they have filed it for. An expected graduation date and (actual) graduation date field reside here as well.

These fields are not updated by ARTS. Comps Exam Date/Comps Passed/Comps Comments. These fields are used to detail information about the Comprehensive Exam. The Comps Passed field has a selector that lets you pick from H(onors),S(atisfactory),U(nsatisfactory),N(ot Passed). Final 5 Month/Cont Enrolled/Defense Psd/Defense Date/Final Comments.The Final 5 Month field indicates where the final 5 month rule has been met. The Cont Enrolled field indicates whether the student has been continuously enrolled.

The Defense Psd field indicates whether the student has passed their defense of the dissertation, using N(ot Passed), S(atisfactory), U(nsatisfactory), and H(onors) as possible values here. Who Mod/Moddate/Add Date/Access/Dept. These fields contain audit information regarding who has added or changed the record, when the record was last changed, if the record is (D)epartmental or (W)orld access, and which department 'owns' the record for editing and/or deleting. The second page of the Doctor (PhD) Screen consists of the following fields as outlined in Fig. 9.7-Page 2 of the Doctor (PhD) Screen.

Reload/Add/Edit/Delete. Use the 'Reload' button to reload the current record. Use the 'Add' button to add a new Active record. Use the 'Edit' button to modify the current record. Use the 'Delete' button to delete the current record. Master/Doctor.

Use these buttons to switch back and forth between the student's Master and Doctor(PhD) records. These fields (from the Active table) contain the student's 11-digit ID and name. They are automatically updated when an ARTS form is processed. Rsrch Dt/Skill. These are fields that indicate two of the student's skills learned and the terms in which they were researched. These fields are merged into ARTS forms.

Residency Term/Hrs/%TA. These are fields that indicate the hours or percent of their time that the student was a teaching assistant, and the terms in which they taught.

These fields are merged into ARTS forms. These are general comments on the student.

This is the list of Doctor (PhD) records for the student on display. Click on a particular row if you wish to see that record. Doc Advisor. This field contains the Doctoral (PhD) Advisor. It is merged into ARTS forms.

Submit Date. This is the PhD submit date. It is merged into ARTS forms. Incompletes/Terms. This is up to three incomplete courses for the student and the terms in which they have been taken. It is not merged into ARTS forms. Dissertation Title/Degree Title.This is the title of the student's dissertation, and the degree title.

The Dissertation title is merged into ARTS forms. Who Mod/Moddate/Add Date/Access/Dept. These fields contain audit information regarding who has added or changed the record, when the record was last changed, if the record is (D)epartmental or (W)orld access, and which department 'owns' the record for editing and/or deleting.

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This entry was posted on 12.10.2019.