How To Install Sun Visor Bushings
Unscrew the visor from the roof (3 screws) Unscrew the one one screw that holds the metal shaft in, pull that out, and the bushing is there. More difficult getting the whole thing in with the new bushing without breaking the bushing. Might also be an electrical connection that goes into the visor, so dont pull too hard on the shaft. If you do pull too hard, will have to take the mirror off to put the connector back on. I took one visor apart and made the mistake of spraying on some electrical cleaner. The stuff you use to clean starters. I usually use electronic cleaner, but was out of it.
How To Install Sun Visor Bushings Instructions
Within a minute, all the springs jumped out and the interior of the visor was cracked. Reading the label on the back, that stuff eats plastic.
This is what I did to the 'non' Cadillac shaft that didn't have an adjusting screw. Adobe photoshop cs6 ita cracked. Yes, the initial Bronzing was a bit messy, but cleaning it up in the lathe worked wonders. I wouldn't recommend doing this to the faint-hearted as turning the piece in the lathe with the mounting bracket attached was a precarious undertaking, but it had to be done. The trouble was that the re-chromed part was that smooth and slippery that the friction between the spring in the visor and the shaft just simply wasn't enough to hold it up. The completed job worked out beautifully.
To install the trim piece. 1st mount the visor with the 2 screws. 2nd route the wire and tape it into position. 3rd slide the trim piece into the a pillar opening, while positioning the wire and screw the visor recessed base ( photo #3) into its how to hold the unit. 4th install everything else and enjoy. My visors flop all around. The tension on the swivel isn't enough and the tension on the visor to the shaft is weak.